Do you want to know more about your swimmers sensory and motor challenges and how to overcome obstacles at the pool? Listen and discover some of the underlying reasons you see certain behaviors and get quick tips and practical advice that will lead to better swim experiences.

Maybe your child is not progressing in swim class and you are looking to understand how you can help. You might be a parent of a child with a specific disability and you are looking for more ideas of how to have success at the pool. Maybe you see behaviors of seeking the water or down right avoiding the water. Sound familiar?

You have come to the right place!

Parents and caregivers learn strategies and tips for your time in, near and around water. Cindy and Ailene want you to join as they discuss tips using the acronym of PARENTS to guide you through seven categories that will open your eyes to the underlying reasons why you are seeing your child do, or not do, things at the pool.

GUESS WHAT? If you find this helpful you can continue your FREE education with SWIM TIPS: What every instructor NEEDS to know.