Lifeguards have the most important job as aquatic professionals... SAFETY! This video is full of strategies and techniques for those swimmers that might have some difficulty due to sensory and motor issues. Swimmers with Autism, ADHD, Anxiety and Physical Disabilities or other challenges may need a different type of intervention than what is typically taught. With this video you will strengthen your lifeguarding skills and have a new set of eyes that will allow you to see a potentially risky situation.

Aquatic facilities will be in better hands with the extra layer of protection of this FREE training. Learn multiple ideas about interactions with swimmers who have sensory and motor challenges. Gain tips on how to physically approach a swimmer in discomfort and learn multiple strategies to resolve the situation. Learn different types of questions you to ask someone having dome trouble will help you quickly resolve the situation.

These Lifeguarding tips are valuable for all aquatic facilities: YMCA, YWCA, Private Swim Schools, Boys and Girls Clubs, swim school franchises that have a deck manager or a water watcher protocol. Deck assistants and managers will understand the slight sensory signs to approach differently and handle the situation.

If your aquatic facility is offering programs for inclusion and diversity, this is the perfect opportunity to improve your risk management and strengthen your safety guidelines for lifeguards that are watching over a variety of programs.